Place Ranking Tables – Housing
Percent of Housing Units That Are Mobile Homes EXCEL
Percent of Housing Units That Were Built in 2000 or Later EXCEL
Percent of Occupied Housing Units That Were Moved Into in 2000 or Later EXCEL
Percent of Occupied Housing Units With Gas as Principal Heating Fuel EXCEL
Percent of Occupied Housing Units With Electricity as Principal Heating Fuel EXCEL
Percent of Occupied Housing Units With Fuel Oil, Kerosene, Etc. as Principal Heating Fuel EXCEL
Percent of Occupied Housing Units With 1.01 or More Occupants Per Room EXCEL
Median Housing Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Units (Dollars) EXCEL
Median Monthly Housing Costs for Owner-Occupied Housing Units With a Mortgage (Dollars) EXCEL
Percent of Occupied Housing Units that are Owner-Occupied EXCEL
Percent of Mortgaged Owners Spending 30 Percent or More of Household Income on Selected Monthly Owner Costs EXCEL
Median Monthly Housing Costs for Renter-Occupied Housing Units (Dollars) EXCEL
Percent of Renter-Occupied Units Spending 30 Percent or More of Household Income on Rent and Utilities EXCEL