General Social and Economic Characteristics for the State of Hawaii: 1990
Hawaii State Data Center Report No. 8
Hawaii State Data Center Report No. 8
- County and Island Tables
Table 1 – Comparison Between Selected 100-Percent and Sample Data, for Counties and Islands: 1990 | Excel |
Table 2 – Social and Economic Characteristics for Counties and Islands: 1990 | Excel |
Table 3 – Educational Attainment, for Counties and Islands: 1990 | Excel |
Table 4 – Occupations in the Civilian Labor Force, for Counties and Islands: 1990 | Excel |
Table 5 – Sex by Employment Status, for Counties and Islands: 1990 | Excel |
Table 6 – Persons With Income in 1989 Below the Poverty Level by Age, for Counties and Islands | Excel |
- Census Tract Tables
Table 7 – Comparison Between Selected 100-Percent and Sample Data, for Islands and Census Tracts: 1990 Excel
Table 8 – Social and Economic Characteristics, for Islands and Census Tracts: 1990 Excel
Table 9 – Educational Attainment, for Islands and Census Tracts: 1990 Excel
Table 10 – Occupations in the Civilian Labor Force, for Islands and Census Tracts: 1990 Excel
Table 11 – Sex by Employment Status, for Islands and Census Tracts: 1990 Excel
Table 12 – Persons With Income in 1989 Below the Poverty Level by Age, for Islands and Census Tracts Excel