Summary File 4 – Description

Brief Description of SF4:

SF4 data consist of 323 tables of social, economic, and housing characteristics compiled from a sample of approximately 19 million housing units (about 1-in-6 households) that received and answered the Census 2000 long form. Each table is repeated for 336 population groups – total population, 132 race groups, 78 American Indian and Alaska native tribal categories (reflecting 39 individual tribes), 39 Hispanic- or Latino-origin groups and 86 ancestry groups.

The presentation of any of the 336 SF4 population groups must meet a minimum population threshold (see chapter 1 of the technical documentation). Tables of any population group excluded from SF2 because the group’s total population in a specific geographic area did not meet the SF2 threshold of 100 people are excluded from SF4. In addition, all tables are shown for any of the above population groups only if there are at least 50 unweighted sample cases in a specific geographic area. For the ancestry iterations, only the 50 unweighted sample cases test can be performed.

These data sequence down to the census tract-level for the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

There are 213 population tables covering subjects such as:

school enrollment educational attainment
grandparents as caregivers veterans status
disability status foreign born
residence in 1995 nativity and place of birth
language spoken at home employment status
citizenship and year of entry class of worker
marital status ancestry
occupation poverty status
industry income in 1999
commuting to work

There are 110 housing tables covering subjects such as:

number of bedrooms year moved into unit
heating fuel source plumbing/kitchen facilities
housing value mortgage status/owner costs
units in structure year structure built
number of rooms occupants per room
number of vehicles gross rent
owner costs: percent of income gross rent: percent of income

SF4 state files include data for the following geographic areas:




County subdivisions


Census tracts

Hawaiian home lands

State parts of :

American Indian/Alaska native areas

Metropolitan areas

Urban areas (urbanized areas and urban clusters)

The SF4 National file will include data for the following geographies:

Nation Regions
Divisions States
Counties County subdivisions
Places American Indian/Alaska Native areas
Metropolitan areas Urban areas
Hawaiian home lands

Where to find this information:

A listing of states that have been released and scheduled for release, along with links to the corresponding product announcements and supporting data files, may be found on the Web at: In addition, links to SF4 data and all Census 2000 products may be found on the American FactFinder main page at:

Source: U.S. Census Bureau