
The Hawaii State Data Center is a local source that distributes census data; assists the public in the use of census data by providing technical advice; educates the public by providing guides and sponsoring training on census data, products and tools; and maintains a network of affiliate organizations throughout the state.

This website provides Hawaii specific census data which are included in various products such as profiles, data highlights, reports and maps. They are available for different geographic areas from the national level to the small areas such as census tracts and blocks, depending upon the data and product of interest.

HSDC is a part of the Research and Economic Analysis Division (READ) of the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism. Other federal-state cooperative programs within READ include the Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates (FSCPE) and the Federal-State Cooperative for Population Projections (FSCPP).


Lead Agency
Research and Economic Analysis Division (READ) Carlie Liddell
Giovanni Vila
(808) 586-2425
(808) 586-2493
L.A. Regional Office Census Bureau Armando Mendoza (818) 554-3606
U.S. Census Bureau Ask Data Questions 1-844-275-3282
Dept. of Research and Development Marcia Yoshiyama
(808) 961-8366
Edwin H. Mookini Library – UHH Mary Louise Haraguchi
(808) 932-7313
Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce Wendy Laros
(808) 329-1758
Office of Economic Development Kaeo Bradford
(808) 241-4950
Learning Resources Center/Library Bob Kajiwara
(808) 245-8233
Hawaii Business Research Library Pat Diaz
(808) 875-5990
Planning Department Pam Eaton
(808) 270-7735
Maui County Economic Development Teena Rasmussen
(808) 270-7224
Molokai Public Library Cindy Delanty
(808) 553-1765
Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii Sherry Menor-McNamara
(808) 545-4300
C & C of Honolulu – Planning & Permitting Department Steve Young
(808) 768-8037
Dept. of Human Services Ricky Higashide
(808) 586-5109
Dept. of Transportation-Statewide Planning Office Robert Miyasaki
(808) 831-7968
Executive Office on Aging Tania Kuriki
(808) 586-0100
Hamilton Library – Gov’t Docs. and Map Dept., UH Gwen Sinclair
(808) 956-2549
Hamilton Library – HI Collection, UH Dore Minatodani
(808) 956-8264
Hawaii Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations Lisa Maruyama
(808) 529-0466
Hawaii Geographic Information Coordinating Council Craig Clouet
(808) 947-0993 ext.1-5636
Hawaii State Library Emily Dovermann
(808) 586-3477
Oahu Metropolitan Planning Org. David Wade
(808) 586-2306
Office of Hawaiian Affairs Mark Eshima
(808) 594-1769
Office of Health Status Monitoring Alvin Onaka
(808) 586-4600
Office of Elections Marc Arakawa
(808) 453-8683