Posted on Dec 8, 2022 in Featured, Main, Whats New Releases

December 8, 2022. The U.S. Census Bureau released the 2017-2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates today. The 2021 ACS 5 year estimates are available on data.census.gov, which is the Census Bureau’s platform to access data and digital content.

Several new detailed tables were added for housing and poverty status. Two new tables contain information on monthly costs for electricity and gas, and two other housing related tables cover data on annual costs for water and sewer and other house heating fuels. A new detailed table on poverty status includes information on the total number of people in households for whom poverty status is determined, the number of people in households whose income is below the poverty level, and the number of people in households whose income is at or above the poverty level.

Click here to view DBEDT’s full highlights. More Hawaii data, including selected population profiles, data profiles, and ranking tables are available on our American Community Survey Page.