2012 Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners

Posted on Aug 18, 2015 in Whats New Releases

August 18, 2015, the US Census Bureau released preliminary data from the 2012 Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners, Company Statistics Series: Preliminary Company Summary. This data depicts business owner data by race – Native Hawaiian, Korean, etc. for Hawaii. See also the Census Bureau description below:

The Survey of Business Owners provides a detailed portrait of America’s businesses and business owners from the national to the local level once every five years. The preliminary company summary will provide estimates for the number of firms, receipts, employment and payroll by gender, ethnicity, race and veteran status at the U.S., state and sector levels. The final company summary will be released in December 2015 and will include estimates for more detailed geography and North American Industry Classification System levels. The characteristics of businesses and business owners will also be published in December 2015.
